Monday, March 3, 2008

2 gyms 1 workout and the 9 miler

so you'll have to excuse my lack of capitals- sawyer is on my lap so i'm typing with one finger- anyway, two saturdays ago i had my 9-10 mile challenge. mark had mapped out a route on google earth for me- but as i was running it became to complicated to remember. i don;t know if you guys are like this but i kinda turn into my inner animal and thinking becomes extremely laborious- so i simplified the route honestly thinking it would make my run longer than the mapped out 10 miles- but when i got home- we google earthed it and found out it was only 9. i must say i was a bit disappointed- i had it in my head that i was running 10 miles that day- anyway, i'm still pleased with myself. i was gone for two hours and only walked about 15 minutes of it so it was good- i never would've pushed myself this far without the end goal of a marathon and all of you runners keeping me motivated so thanks.
my last saturday run i had to go to two different gold's gyms to complete. my sleeping is pretty messed up so i actually went to bed with sawyer around 6 pm but woke up around 8 and realized i needed to get going. i've missed quite a few week-day workouts but never a long run so i had to go. i got there with about 40 minutes till closing, so i really started to book it so i could get it all in. with my short legs i usually jog at a 5, so i picked it up to a 6 or 7- quite a feat- okay, Mark just got home and so yeah! Punctuation and capitals! Yeah! Anyway, it was quite the challenge and I ended up having to go to another 24 hour gym to complete it, but it was really good for me. It is getting easier, Lacy! Hooray! This morning's 55 minute workout I did all at a 5 on the treadmill, and realized that that didn't really push me- so I think 6 is my new 5... I'm getting stronger and stronger. I have a question for all of you.. do you have a hard time stretching afterward? Being a dancer, I've always stretched out a lot, but with this running, I really don't feel like it. What's up with that? Any tips? I can't wait to read what everyone else has been up to! Happy running this week!


2MyGirls said...
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lacy lee said...

April, way to go on your nine-miler! I did that with the ten, too--I accidentally went another way and it felt like 13 miles or something but when I got home to map it, it was barely 10 and I was sooo disappointed! I think distance always seems farther than it is.

Anyway, good job, chica!