Saturday, March 29, 2008

Running partner down

So, my running partner (the one who convinced me to run the half marathon) has dropped out due to a foot injury. She may end up running the 10K if it heals in time. I am really disappointed. I know we would not have run the whole race side by side, but it was a comforting thought that she would be in the same race. I know it sounds silly, but now I am nervous to run the race. I am totally unfamiliar with Prescott. I guess if I get there early enough the night before, I can find out where the race begins.

Now I am on my own to train and get ready for the race. I am really glad that I am a part of this blog. You all keep me motivated. Thank you.

1 comment:

lacy lee said...

Oh no! It can be tough to brave big runs alone. But you can do it! Plus, they'll be scores of other people in the throng, which might make you feel less alone.

We're rooting for you, Erin!