Monday, March 31, 2008

crisis averted!

What with Erin's running partner down, I've decided to become her "second," and run with her in the Whiskey Row half marathon! It comes two weeks before The Big Day and more or less fits right in with that training schedule. So it really is a fated circumstance.

When I looked at the website for details and found that it's "one of the toughest Marathons in the United States" because of terrain, altitude and weather, I became a bit worried. But what doesn't kill me will make me stronger, right? Plus, I'm looking forward to 13 miles of bonding time, cuz I haven't actually seen Erin in years! I'm so excited!

P.S. A note to all you Ogdeneers: April is our crunch-time running month! I've decided to step things up by actually cross training. Go, runners, go!

1 comment:

2MyGirls said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so excited to run with you--if I can keep up. Good luck with the cross training.