Sunday, March 16, 2008

red leggings

Don't be fooled: these are not red leggings, just some seriously sore and sad legs (although you'll notice that I did stand on tiptoes for the picture to show off what, if any, calf muscle I may be developing). I usually run in pants but I found these great running shorts and broke them out for Saturday's 14-miler. I put sunscreen everywhere but my legs, reasoning that the poor little guys never get any color no matter what I do. I sorely underestimated them. It seems I am never learning my severely taught sunburn lessons. For example, see below: me at 16, having gone skiing in the spring without any sunscreen. My poor little face puffed up and sprouted blisters and I hid my face (literally) in shame by staying home from school until I became a bit more recognizable. Ouchhhhh, right?

On another ouch note, that 14 miles was a killer! But not as killer as the 13 a few weeks ago. So that's good. Dave and I took Penelope and Deacon half way (to his parents' house) and then ran the rest of the way home by ourselves. I have to say that running without a pulling dog or pushing a weighted stroller makes such a difference!

So, let's hear about all your long runs yesterday!

Poor me, age 16


Trisha said...

OUCH! I will feel more sympathy if I don't end up running my long route in the snow this week.

I'm going only 7 this weekend, but I am nervous....

2MyGirls said...

Those are some beautiful legs! I will remember to put sunscreen on my legs this weekend. I plan on running 7 miles, the most I have attempted. Wish me luck.

Congrats on running 14 miles!

Dana said...

Yikes, your legs look painful. I've been wondering about sunscreen. I haven't had to wear sunscreen yet, since I live in a frozen tundra. But I was worried about it sweating off and losing its efficacy not to mention burning my eyes. Did you have any sunscreen problems? I agree that the run was tough but not as tough as the last one so we must be increasing our endurance.

lacy lee said...

Trisha & Erin: Good luck with your seven miles this saturday! You will be amazing!

Dana: I usually put on this special face sunscreen so I haven't had any problems with it dripping down into my eyeballs. Ouch. As for it sweating off elsewhere, we have sport sunscreen, which really seems to do the trick! Do you want to run together this Saturday, as I'll be in town?

Anonymous said...

ok...So big news...i think i've tricked rylan into running in the marathon. He ran the 14 miler with me this past weekend and did just as good as me...that little bugger. Sure I've been training for over 3 months and he just steps up like a pro. but with that aside i'm way excited to have a buddy. and by the way...14 miles sucks...i'm not sure how i'm ever going to be able to do 26...i just may be crawling over the finish line!

Anonymous said...

oh wait...i got a little side tracked with my last comment...I meant to mention that rylan & you are now twinny lobster legs...he made the poor judgement call of no sunscreen below the knees as well!

Mark and April Sullivan said...

Sunburns are the WORST! I'm so sorry about your legs. I ache just looking at them. Way to go with the 14 miler! I love that you take Penelope and your doggy.