Saturday, March 29, 2008

Time Limit??

Hi everyone. I'm Jamie. I was invited to contribute awhile ago but I have a really hard time keeping my own blog up to date so I've had an impossible time getting a post up here...but here I am now. I thought I would include my pic so you have a visual of who is blogging (my daugher Jaylee is also pictured...I would be the one old enough to run...or walk for that matter - just so there is no confusion).

I am hoping to run the Ogden Marathon in May. I mentioned my interest in running a 1/2 marathon to Lacy at Book Club in November. Lace gave me a quick pep talk consisting of 1)"Jamie, if you're going to be running half, why not run a whole marathon?" and 2) "If Katie Holmes can do it, why can't we?". I guess I'm pretty much a push over because that is all it took for Lacy to convence me that running this darn race was a good idea. Now that I'm up to 16 miles I'm not so sure.

I got the email about the 17 mile/11:30am cut off today and totally freaked myself out. I did the math wrong and thought we had to keep a 12 minute pace. I was about ready to bow out - I run at a snail slow pace & can only keep the 12 minute pace for about 6 miles and I'm probably being a little generous at that. But then I double checked myself and realized we have 15.88 minutes to work with. That made me feel a lot better. I'm expecting 6.5 hours for the whole thing (Averaging 15 minutes per mile). That way if I finish in a shorter time I'll feel even better about myself (as if finishing 26 miles isn't enough).

Thank you for all of your posts. It is so nice to hear the battle stories of others. I will do my best share some of my own.


Dana said...

Welcome! It's exciting to have another comrade-in-arms for Ogden. The time limit completely freaked me out when I first found out there was one. Thanks for actually doing the math, I didn't even think about figuring it out I just panicked.

2MyGirls said...


Your baby is so beautiful! Welcome to the blog. Next time I talk to Courtney I will let her know you are running a marathon.