Wednesday, April 30, 2008

From one nasty-foot sport to the next...

That's what my sister Liberty said after seeing my lovely blisters... I know you've all got 'em. Even though they kill I'm slightly proud and impressed by their massive size and puffiness. Thought I'd share a pic or two of those buggers...

So sorry for my absence on the blog... way to go you running animals! Wow! I'm kind of sad to not be marathon-ing with you guys in Ogden. Can you believe how quickly it's coming up? I'm actually considering trying to run it with y'all but the max I've run is 16 miles last Saturday. It was awesome. It actually wasn't that bad and I didn't even listen to my ipod even though I brought it... I was on FOCUS... so I didn't want to mess with it. I'm really falling in love with running- maybe it has a lot to do with the Provo River Trail.. oh my word GOR-GEOUS! I love being on it. (Except at the very end by the lake... you can't see out and no one ever seems to be out there so it's kinda creepy in my opinion). Anyway, I love it! I'm realizing what a mental sport it is. I don't know if you guys do this but I get SO anxious about my long runs... can i do it? will I finish? how bad will it hurt? do I even want to do it?... all goes through my head. Usually by the time I actually run it, it's a relief from all the psyching out... It's honestly like I'm in 8th grade again on the day of my track meets. I would get so nervous. Why is that? I was never like that in dance (the other "sport" my sister was referring to.. pointe shoes completely deform your feet and toes.. pretty dance.. UGLY FEET!).
DECISION TIME.. so I'm wondering if it would be possible to run in OGDEN skipping the 18 mile run.. I just found out my family is having a reunion the day of my Teton Dam marathon and so my parents couldn't come and help us with Sawyer... there's also one in Bear Lake on the same day that is more flat than downhill (and we have a summer home there) so I'm wondering if I should switch... I've not registered and I need to decide. My gut feeling says to stick to the plan... I don't want to completely kill my hips, knees and ankles by not getting all the training in.. tell me what you all think, now that you've done 18 and 20 miles. I'm so proud of you all. I know you will all finish your marathons and achieve your goals! You can do it!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Is this supposed to be good for my health?

'Cause in my opinion, the human body - at least this one - was not meant to be running these insane distances.

HOWEVER, I can now say "Oh yeah like that one time I ran 20 miles..." or "I don't know about you, but when I ran 20 miles..." There is definitely a sense of satisfaction bringing that up completely out of context.

26 miles is now starting to seem possible. I'll be honest I was a little bit scared there for awhile, but as hard as it was I am no more sore today (being the next day) than I was on any of the other long distances. I think I'm actually going to be able to do this, which is good because I've already invested some major $$ into my training and I told 100 or so people in my New Years card that I was going to do it. I can't back down now! Rylan & Jaylee have already accomplished there New Years Resolutions.

ps. I'm glad to see that I was not the only one to feel completely dead after that massive run!

pss. I picked up some Wright Socks and although I do believe they helped in the size and delaying of my blister formation, I still got two blisters. I'm definitely sticking with them because there was a major size difference but I didn't get that 100% Blister Free Guarantee that was promised on the package. I think I've just been babying these feet for the past 25 years, they don't know what hit them!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

hey dave, remember that one time we ran 20 miles?

Oh wait, that was today!!! Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be napping for the next four hours.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hooray for Trisha!

Because she ran her half marathon!!!! I hope she'll post all the gritty details here soon, but for now, you can check out some highlights and leave her a congrats here. Good job, lady!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Earlier this week I ran at 8 am in 80 degree weather. Yuck! So this morning, I went at 6 am. I ran three miles in under thirty minutes! Well, okay: 29:18, but still. That's my 10 minute/mile goal. So I was happy. Keeping that pace up for 26.2 miles will be another story...but I'm hoping it helps.

In other progress-news, Dave and I are going up to Tucson tomorrow for a pants shopping spree! This is the first time in my life I'm buying new pants because I've lost weight (usually, I gain weight or my pants have been worn for consecutive years and are falling apart at the seams). So this is very exciting!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I have welts on my back...

from a combination of a generic-brand camelback and my sports bra. Ouch! This condition is further aggravated by the dime-sized mole in the upper-middle of my back (gross, I know. But it's there nonetheless) that is rubbed raw during indecently-long runs. So there's your TMI for the day. I'll obviously be purchasing a new bra before the marathon (but probably not before my run tomorrow, because I'm too lazy to go shopping today).

Anyway, I'm curious to see how everyone's runs went! Dana: did you run 20 miles, you extra-miler, you?? Dave and I only knocked out 17 and it was a pitiful showing. But we DID it! So that must count for something, right? All I can say is thank goodness for Wright Socks! And thank you all for that little foot-saving tip.

I ate? drank? ingested?? the Gu. It was gross, but effective. So. There you have it.

The Pat Tillman Run (an annual Mayberry family tradition) is this Saturday. It's 4.2 miles and I debated within myself whether it could count for my long run if I ran my very hardest. But, just in case it doesn't, I'm running 8 miles on Friday.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Can you believe we're up to 18 miles?

Good Luck to everyone on their big 1-8! Armed with my ipod, water & power bar filled fuel belt, & sunscreen I'm heading out now! Yipee!

Friday, April 11, 2008


So, tomorrow is 18!!! I just got back from a late-night Big 5 run to purchase mini Camelbacks (ones that hopefully won't jounce) and some power bars for Dave and I. I also picked up some Gu. I know some of you use it. To be honest, the thought of squirting that thing in my mouth like some sort of Go-gurt sounds disgusting. But out of pure curiosity, I thought I'd give it a try. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!

Good luck on all your runs!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I too must confess I didn't make the 16 miler last week. However Lacy gave me a little pep talk at the zoo on Friday. Basically telling me she skipped it too. I got to 11 miles, stopped off for a quick drink & bathroom break and couldn't motivate myself any longer. Jay was freaking out at home & Rylan had gotten home from work @ 2:00am. So I was feeling really guilty going another hour. But I ran 11 miles again yesterday and am totally committed to the 18 this week. I'm planning on training 7 miles for my weekly runs (about an hour & a half) instead of the normal 60 minutes. Hopefully that will kick me into gear.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

9 miles!

I ran 9 miles today and to my surprise, it was not much harder than my 7 miler last week. When I got within 1 mile of the finish I had a burst of adrenaline that pushed me through. I am ready for 11!

Friday, April 4, 2008

a self-pep talk for saturday

I can feel a head cold coming on...but I'm determined to run through it! Especially considering how I ditched out on my 16 miler last Saturday. But before you utterly shun me, let me explain! I kept vacillating between going and not going, as I had a day-long conference to attend, plus, Dave wasn't going to be able to accompany me, etc. I finally decided on ditching part of the conference and going running. But it just was not happening! I decided to wear Dave's camelback and it kept jouncing all over. Plus, I had totally psyched myself out. I ended up coming back to the house, ditching the camelback, and then going back out to run only 4 miles. But somehow I felt okay about it all. I can't explain why. But there it is: my confession.

Anyway, so tomorrow I'll be running the 10 with just me & the Peeps. Next week: 18 (Dave has cleared his schedule for that one), then 10 again, then 20!!! I've promised myself no more psych-outs. Myself is testing me by getting sick and achy. But to mine own self be true! I'm going out tomorrow come what may!