Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Earlier this week I ran at 8 am in 80 degree weather. Yuck! So this morning, I went at 6 am. I ran three miles in under thirty minutes! Well, okay: 29:18, but still. That's my 10 minute/mile goal. So I was happy. Keeping that pace up for 26.2 miles will be another story...but I'm hoping it helps.

In other progress-news, Dave and I are going up to Tucson tomorrow for a pants shopping spree! This is the first time in my life I'm buying new pants because I've lost weight (usually, I gain weight or my pants have been worn for consecutive years and are falling apart at the seams). So this is very exciting!


2MyGirls said...

Congrats on meeting your goal! I know it will make a difference in your marathon. Two weeks until the 1/2 marathon! I'm getting nervous. Tomorrow I go on an 11 mile run. I don't think I will run any further before the race. I hope you had fun buying new pants.

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J-O-C said...

I FOR SURE, give you all the encouragment i can give...everytime i hear of a marathon and think of you, and am so happy!! lol good luck and i look forward to your first place prize :D