Monday, April 14, 2008

I have welts on my back...

from a combination of a generic-brand camelback and my sports bra. Ouch! This condition is further aggravated by the dime-sized mole in the upper-middle of my back (gross, I know. But it's there nonetheless) that is rubbed raw during indecently-long runs. So there's your TMI for the day. I'll obviously be purchasing a new bra before the marathon (but probably not before my run tomorrow, because I'm too lazy to go shopping today).

Anyway, I'm curious to see how everyone's runs went! Dana: did you run 20 miles, you extra-miler, you?? Dave and I only knocked out 17 and it was a pitiful showing. But we DID it! So that must count for something, right? All I can say is thank goodness for Wright Socks! And thank you all for that little foot-saving tip.

I ate? drank? ingested?? the Gu. It was gross, but effective. So. There you have it.

The Pat Tillman Run (an annual Mayberry family tradition) is this Saturday. It's 4.2 miles and I debated within myself whether it could count for my long run if I ran my very hardest. But, just in case it doesn't, I'm running 8 miles on Friday.

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