Sunday, April 27, 2008

Is this supposed to be good for my health?

'Cause in my opinion, the human body - at least this one - was not meant to be running these insane distances.

HOWEVER, I can now say "Oh yeah like that one time I ran 20 miles..." or "I don't know about you, but when I ran 20 miles..." There is definitely a sense of satisfaction bringing that up completely out of context.

26 miles is now starting to seem possible. I'll be honest I was a little bit scared there for awhile, but as hard as it was I am no more sore today (being the next day) than I was on any of the other long distances. I think I'm actually going to be able to do this, which is good because I've already invested some major $$ into my training and I told 100 or so people in my New Years card that I was going to do it. I can't back down now! Rylan & Jaylee have already accomplished there New Years Resolutions.

ps. I'm glad to see that I was not the only one to feel completely dead after that massive run!

pss. I picked up some Wright Socks and although I do believe they helped in the size and delaying of my blister formation, I still got two blisters. I'm definitely sticking with them because there was a major size difference but I didn't get that 100% Blister Free Guarantee that was promised on the package. I think I've just been babying these feet for the past 25 years, they don't know what hit them!


lacy lee said...

I'm with you Jamie: 20 miles was hard! Harder than any of the others. But I guess that makes sense. Anyway, I have to say that I'm slightly scared for the marathon. 20 was the training climax. The most we'll do before the day. And it nearly killed me. A slow, painful, five-hour death. I have to run the marathon and finish. I HAVE TO. I just hope I can!!! I can, right?

Anyway, I got a fat blister in the Wright socks too. But one is better than five, I suppose.

Bring on the "rest weeks!"

Joan said...

WOW. It is amazing what the human body can do. You are impressive, my dear. Keep it up. Can't wait to hear about the big day.

Jen said...

Jamie...20 miles...That's AWESOME! With all of the excitement of the race you will be fine with the other 6.2 :) When you get tired and cranky and feel like giving up just remember to finish so that you never have to go through that torture again!

Mark and April Sullivan said...

You're a twenty miler! Is is surreal to think that you've done it? I wonder if taking the time to swap socks would help.. yeah.. blisters are crazy!!