Friday, March 28, 2008

A Humbling 6 Miles and A Long Run in the Canyon

So two weeks ago was my "easy" 6 miler, right? I'm thinking, "Wow, this will be easy since I ran 12 last week" WRONG!! I thought it would totally be okay that I got trashed at the gym weightlifting with my friend Zoraya- (she is an animal!- no joke- that girl is so tough!) Anyway, I was so fatigued. I stayed up way to late the night before and I was just miserable on my run. I called Mark to come pick me up even though I was probably about a mile and a half from home. I was achey and sore and wretched... anyway, I put that behind me and stuck to my workout even though I started REALLY not wanting to.. this is why I NEED you all. My motivation zaps out sometimes when I get discouraged. Anyway, I did my workouts and I did the 14 miler on Saturday although it was a bit messed up because the Bridal Veil trail is closed until the 31st so I just ended up running the other way down to Will's Pit Stop. It was good. I had an audio book going- I discovered on my 6-miler that I can't run to music. It affects me too much. I try to run to the beat, or if the song is kind of sad or something... anyway I'm sure if I made just the right playlist it would be awesome but I haven't got around to it yet. The audio book is the way to go- at least for part of the time. Mostly I just run in silence, but it was good to take my mind off the fact that I was running for almost three hours! I also stopped at my chiropractor's office on the way home. I was hurting pretty bad and he adjusted me and analyzed my feet and adjusted my insoles. It was great- I'm just realizing that my knees, hips and feet DO feel a lot better since I saw him. Blah, blah blah... I can't believe people run entire marathons in under 3 hours- that is incredible! You guys are awesome. Keep up your good work.


2MyGirls said...

I am amazed that you ran for 3 hours. Way to go! An audio book sounds like a fantastic idea. Thanks for the tip.

lacy lee said...

I totally feel your pain. This week I feel like I hit a "motivation wall." I just want this marathon to hurry up and happen already cuz I'm getting SICK of training! But I just think of how good it will feel race day to run and finish (or, conversely, how bad it will feel if I don't finish, due to slacking on my training).

You are awesome! Don't forget it!!!