Thursday, March 6, 2008

A New Face

Hello to everyone! Thank you to Lacy for inviting me to join the marathon blog. While we made great efforts to run as missionaries in SD, we usually only made a few laps around the tiny field behind our apartment. It was probably only 1/2 mile or something.

But now that my sister somehow convinced me to do the SLC half marathon (and I have never even ran a 5K) I have a lot of questions.

Side aches: Is it really breathing that causes these and if so, what can I do to train myself to breath in my nose and out my mouth when I am ready to die?

Headaches: Did any of you get headaches when you first started running? I seem to get one every time.

Music: Any suggestions for music I can add to an ipod play list. I need some motivating stuff to get me through tomorrow on my long run.



Brent said...

Welcome! Congrats on your goal of running the 1/2 marathon. That's awesome.

I'm guessing these questions aren't rhetorical, so here goes...

Side aches: My understanding is that the diaphragm muscle gets tired or something like that, so what I do is regulate my breathing while still running. I'll slow it down and try to control it...a lot of times I breathe in rhythm with my running cadence. Also, I try to stretch it out by putting my arms on my head to open up the chest cavity. Maybe that will work for you.

Headaches: I've noticed I get headaches when I don't hydrate well. Are you drinking enough water?

Music: Stronger by Kanye West, Fort Minor, Gnarls Barkley, Coldplay, these guys get me pumped up!

lacy lee said...

I'd forgotten all about the field behind our apartment! What a great memory! 135, dead or alive!!!

Anyway, I don't know about the side aches, but I agree w/Brent about the water. I need to be drinking lots the night before I go running even to avoid a headache.

As for music, I find myself liking audio books much better. Especially educational ones...that way I can focus on something interesting instead of how much more time I'm supposed to run.

Good luck, lady!

Dana said...

Trisha, when is the SLC half marathon? Is it in April or August?

I also get headaches when I've slacked on my water and am not properly hydrated before running.

I've never really gotten side aches so I have no advice.

My running mix is really eclectic. It consists of any song I like that is fast enough to keep me running. It runs the gamut from Michael Jackson's "Beat It" to the Beastie Boys "Sabotoge". I've also got some No Doubt/Gwen Stefani, songs from the Footloose and The Matrix soundtracks. I think I may try audio books like Lacy suggested because I love it when my mind gets focused on my own thoughts and I forget that I'm even running. I think a good book would focus my mind much faster and for longer periods.

Anyway, welcome to the blog and good luck!