Friday, February 29, 2008

I carbed up

30 minutes after eating Italian Sausage Spaghetti (recipe courtesy of Devry) I went running and ended up much like Michael Scott mid-5K in this season's premier of The Office. It was pathetic! And painful.

Anyway, only a little over two months until the big day! I just started a campaign to raise money for the race in honor of my aunt who died of pancreatic cancer. Those who read my blog already know this. But if you want to support a cause of your own, a great help tool is They help you set up a donation website and provide a place for you to leave a personal message, along with widgets and other e-tools to help you spread the word. You'll have to check first to see if they are partnered with the organization you have in mind.

I'm looking forward to a seven-mile Saturday!


Brent said...

Oy, vey! That's not good. Yeah, I normally try to eat at least two hours before my workout. Not that I'm the Encyclopedia Brown of running or anything. Just sayin'. :)

Mark and April Sullivan said...

I love that you are honoring your aunt- you are such a special person, Lacy. I also love that running 7 miles is now seeming like running a MERE 7 miles. You are getting so strong!!