Sunday, February 10, 2008

Luminous beings are we... not this crude matter!

I did it! I ran eight miles on Saturday. Ok, so I walked probably 3.5 miles of it, and I'm doing my workouts on the treadmill until the snow melts, but, hey.. I'm still ecstatic. Every Saturday I get a big confidence boost because I've never ran this much before in my life. I'm coming to know my limits and potential.

So I do my long workouts in the Cardio Cinema at Gold's- I know it's going to be a completely different story once I move my workouts outside- but in the meanwhile, I'm really banking on the distraction factor. If I can get into the movie than I can kind of forget that I'm doing a really challenging workout. The movie on Saturday was Star Wars.. The Empire Strikes Back. I was hitting my first wall, when that scene with Yoda and Luke in the swamp came on. I'm so nerdy, but I love that part. When he said, "Luminous beings are we... not this crude matter!" it helped me push through- Go Yoda!! I love that little green guy. Anyway, I need those little reminders and mantras to help me- I am SO out of shape since my pregnancy, and this is a great challenge- so I'm so excited to be apart of this little marathon gang- we'll keep each other going, won't we? Mark and Amber and I are planning on running the Teton Dam Marathon in June (Amber got started a little later, so she might find a later one) but we're all doing the training because of you wonderful runners!! Thanks for the inspiration.

I got this phrase in my fortune cookie the other night, "The time is right to achieve your dreams." When I got that I really felt like it was true... so I'm going to give that fortune to all of you tonight; the time is right- you luminous beings!!! Happy running-April

1 comment:

lacy lee said...

Yoda rules!! Thanks for the fortune!