Saturday, February 23, 2008

Death warmed over

is how I feel after running my 14 miles today and frankly this has me a little worried. Usually after my long runs I feel okay, like I could run longer if I needed to. But not today, by mile eight my legs were hurting and by mile 12 I just wanted the whole thing to be over. If today had been the real deal I would have still had 12.2 miles to go and I wouldn't have made it. I've never even considered the possibility that I wouldn't finish the race, now I have a tiny bit of doubt. On the positive side, I managed to run all 14 miles outside with no bodily injury. Of course it didn't hurt that there was not even a spec of snow or ice on the trail.


lacy lee said...

Dana, I have to say that I had much the same experience. Only I could have dropped over dead at mile 11. Anyway, you will absolutely finish the race! I felt the same way on my first seven mile and then ten mile run. It was hard! But we're building endurance. Three months ago I couldn't run five miles together. And I just kicked out thirteen! That means that by race day, we will be "all good in the hood."

Dana said...

Thanks, Lacy. You're right we are building endurance. I had a good run today so I'm feeling better about it. If I can run six miles 48 hours after running 14 than I can finish my race. Your little pep talk is just what I needed.

Mark and April Sullivan said...

You'll do it- I know you will. This is your training- I think that's how you're supposed to feel. You probably hit a new range of endurance. I remember running 7 miles for the first time was so HARD! It seemed even harder than running 9- so I think I just unlocked a new level inside my body-- I have a feeling that's what you've done- so good job, girl!!