Monday, May 12, 2008

just in case you forgot....

we're running a marathon in 5 days! I really can't believe it. On Saturday, as I was running my five miles, I was thinking: next week I'll be running 21.2 more of these... and then I'm going to have a Coke because two months ago, Dave and I swore off soda until after the race. I can't wait. Yesterday at church, our Sunday School teacher was asking us about hard things we'd accomplished and what helped us get through them. As I shared with the class, here are my motivating factors for finishing the marathon:

1. The shame of not finishing

2. The aforementioned tall glass of ice-cold Coke awaiting me afterward

3. The six months of training behind me

4. Being able to check "run a marathon" off my life's To Do list

Written at the top of the training schedule: At first glance, the task may seem insurmountable but experience and research shows the body, given proper rest, has the capacity to adapt quickly.

Isn't it amazing what a combo of the human body and spirit is capable of?? A marathon = a miracle, in my opinion.

See ya'll Saturday!

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