Monday, May 19, 2008

19 miles and the meltdown...

So two Saturdays ago I ran 19 miles.. my farthest to date. I actually really enjoyed the first 16. I ran up from the mouth of the canyon to the end of south fork (9 miles uphill- gulp) and then on the way back I was doing fine until just the very end when I started thinking maybe this whole marathon idea wasn't such a great one. Anyway, I finished up not at 20 miles like I'd hoped, but I finished nonetheless- hooray! So I'm really excited to hear about you all and the marathon.. I just need to stay inspired for 4 more weeks, but man! I'm struggling. Saturday will be my 20-22 miler... yikes!! It's okay... it's going to be's going to be okay... I have to keep reassuring myself.

It was so good to see you Lacey and to meet Dave and little Peeps. She is SOOO cute with her super blonde hair and blue eyes. What a little darling! I'm so proud of you! Way to stick to a goal until it's accomplished. Hopefully in a month I'll be giving you all the details of my Bear Lake Marathon. Keep you posted.

By the by, I want to hear everyone's advice for me and Mark... Let us know all your secrets to success! I also want to hear what everyone will be tackling after this big adventure- so keep a postin' if you can!!

1 comment:

Brent said...

Oof, I totally know what that's like, but still, everyone's experience is, what happened on the run? Was it a physical pain or ache or cramping or was it more mental?

The mental aspect is easier to deal with for me, anyway, because once you're at the starting line, surrounded by hundreds or thousands of like-minded crazies, you feed off that energy, and it's a great motivator. And then you encourage each other on the course, and the spectators are usually great, so you feed off that, and that helps you finish.

The physical part is a little trickier. I don't know what your normal routine is, but as a general recommendation to all runners, I'd say to stretch really well before and after running, make sure you're hydrated, make sure you have some fuel and electrolytes flowing in your system, (take a cup or two of water with your electrolytes, especially if you use those gels.) make sure your shoes are in good condition, make sure your clothes are comfortable and not chafing, and if you need to walk for a stretch, walk for a stretch.

And look, we're nothing special, so take that to heart and realize you can do it! You can DOOOOOO it! Thanks for keeping us updated...let us know how we can help!