Friday, May 30, 2008

a final summary

Even though Brent pretty much summed things up, I wanted to do it again, complete with photos taken from more detailed posts that you can see here, here, here, and here. So why yet another post, you ask?? Because we ran a marathon, that's why! And the marathon blog, of all places, should have it documented. Plus, I wanted to pass along some tips to April, who will be running the Bear Lake Marathon in only a few weeks.

Tip #1: Run with Dana. If she's not available, then latch on to some other person keeping your same approximate pace and tell yourself that you won't walk if they won't. A running partner rules!

Tip #2: Keep 5 Gu packets handy. This really helped me stay energized during the race (another tip I gleaned from Dana).

Tip #3: Bodyglide. Enough said.

Tip #4: At around mile 20, you may start to have an out-of-body experience (aka: "I'm not sure how my legs are still moving, but they are"). Keep going!

Tip #5: After it's all over, you may feel sort of blah ("yeah, yeah, I ran a marathon. Now let's find some lunch asap!") But rest assured, your mood will pick up the following day ("Boo-Ya! I ran a marathon, baby!")

Anyway, congrats again guys! And good luck April!!!

Brent approaches the finish

Dana & Lacy cross the line

Way to go, Jamie!

I almost forgot Tip #6: eat a Creamcicle immediately afterward

I'm thinking this is the new Paula Radcliffe shot... (see Marathon Mom pic to the right)!!!

I was thinking back to Chicago (Oct 2007) when Dave and I watched hoards of people pick up their marathon packets for the race the following day. I remember thinking that they looked just like regular people--not particularly buff and/or skinny--and that if they could run a marathon, so could I!

So to all of you who are wanting to someday run one--trust me: if we can do it, so can you!


J-O-C said...

YAY for MARATHONS!!!!! hahaha so proud of you! I definatly could not do that, no joke! but i got a couple prom pics up if you wanna go look and mine and zachs puppy, Jada so go look...ttys keep running those miles!

J-O-C said...

YAY for MARATHONS!!!!! hahaha so proud of you! I definatly could not do that, no joke! but i got a couple prom pics up if you wanna go look and mine and zachs puppy, Jada so go look...ttys keep running those miles!

J-O-C said...

whoops didnt mean to post 2

Mark and April Sullivan said...

Loved the new pictures! We need to do one together sometime in the future. I think we'd match each other's pace well... Thanks so much for all the inspiration, motivation and encouragement. All your advice really helped. You rule!! Best of luck with your next ya!