Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Yesterday on my way to the gym I was listening to my favorite radio station when I hear an ad telling me that Dave Ramsey is coming to Salt Lake for his Total Money Makeover Tour.

Dave is my guru when it comes to all things financial. I've read both Financial Peace and The Total Money Makeover and he totally inspired me and showed me how it is really possible to become completely debt free (including our mortgage) in the next 5-10 years.

So when I heard he's coming to town I just know that Ryan and I are so going. But then Sadie distracted me somehow (she probably wanted to sing itsy bitsy spider as she is obsessed lately) so I missed them telling me the date. No worries though, I call Ryan and ask him nicely to look it up on KNRS's website. He is nice enough to do so and tells me that it's on May 17th.

For about two seconds in my head I'm thinking "I know that date, what is happening on that date?" and then of course it hits me, May 17th is the Ogden Marathon. I won't lie and tell you I didn't think about giving up the marathon for Mr. Ramsey but that didn't last long and then I was just sad that two things I really want to do are on the same day 5 months from now.

I'm thinking about e-mailing Mr. Ramsey and asking him to move his event up or back a week. What do you think my chances are?


Lindsay said...

I'm thinking slim to none. But who knows....maybe for you he would make an exception :)

lacy lee said...

How terribly inconvenient! I think Mr. Ramsey would say to just read his book and run the marathon.

Devry said...

I just hope my back stops hurting soon so I can start running again.

lacy lee said...

D, what's up w/your back??