Tuesday, January 29, 2008

not too late...

I found this alternative training schedule at the Runner's World website. It's a 16 week plan, meaning, that anyone out there who wants to run but hasn't started yet (aka Dave)--this is your week to begin!

1 comment:

Mark and April Sullivan said...

You are awesome!! Keep going! Did you know you've inspired me to train? I just ran 6 miles last week, and that's the most I've ever done at once- ever! I get such a confidence boost after my long run- even though I walk what I need to. Last night my fortune cookie read "The time is right for you to reach your goals" I really liked that. I've always wanted to run a marathon- but you're helping me see that I could actually do it! Thanks a ton! I've commented throughout your other blogs.. so hopefully you see them. You rule, Lacy!