Friday, January 25, 2008

hot date

Dave and I got a sitter for the big show last night and we loved it! I love that they focused on the Chicago Marathon because that's where we got the idea to go for this thing in the first place. We were in the Expo building, watching all the marathoners come in and pick up their numbers and as I saw the hoards of people, I thought to myself: Hey, these people look like me! If they can do a marathon, so can I!

Highlight lessons from the film were:

1. Paula Radcliffe (right) really is my hero.
2. I need to read more on marathon training.
3. Where do I get one of those water bottle fanny packs?


Dana said...

I loved the show last night. It was truly inspiring! I went by myself and it was nice(we didn't want to spring for a sitter or Ryan's ticket when he is less than interested). I did make friends with the two ladies sitting next to me though. They both are probably in their fifties and one has run 4 marathons and the other has run a half. When I saw the fanny packs I too was wondering if I should pick one up. So the real question Lacy is did you get emotional? I'll admit I did twice. First, when the camera panned the entire starting line up and then as the older gentleman was finishing the race. I also was bummed for the guy who was trying to qualify for Boston.

lacy lee said...

So, I got a fanny pack (Big 5). And yes, I got emotional too! It was during the pan of the crowd before they started and then at the end when they filmed randoms crying as they crossed. I'm so excited!