Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And the asphalt wins...

I headed out for a nice 9 mile run early this morning. The weather was surprisingly wonderful, with a light breeze that really cooled things off. It was still dark out, which usually makes this chicken too scared to run by herself, but I had two friends with me this morning. We started out and the first mile was completed in a breeze. A few hundred yards later, I was mid-sentence and next thing I know, I'm eating asphalt. The abrasions and bruises to my knees paled in comparison to my throbbing ankle. My worst fear has possibly come true. I've almost made it to the finish of this marathon training and I've injured myself. The biggest fear I've had from the get-go is that I would make it to the end and some sort of injury would prevent me from completing the race. Self-fulfilling prophecy?

I'm trying to remain optimistic, but the truth of the matter is that I know too much for my own good. Sprains take a long time to heal...and they're never quite the same again. My race is a little less than six weeks away, and that's the general healing time for sprains. I'm trying to beat the odds. Lots of ice, lots of elevation, lots of compression, but how much rest can I afford? I think I'll take tomorrow off and try to hit the gym on Friday and Saturday. I'll keep to the stationary bike to keep weight off the injured foot and to try and keep my cardio endurance up. Nothing like a three hour stationary bike ride to dispel boredom. I guess this is one way of getting out of an 18 miler this weekend...trouble is, I was actually looking forward to that run...kind a sick, "I don't have too many more long runs left" kind of way.


lacy lee said...

Oh no! Dave got injured right before our last marathon, too. It was pretty discouraging. I'm sending out all my healing vibes your way!!!

Brent said...

Go easy, now, so you can heal faster. I think you have plenty of time to recover and still kick booty in St. George!

Brian and Janette said...

My biggest fear is re-injury! Not only is a sprain-on-sprain excruciating, it would completely destroy my chances of competing. My loving father loaned out his exercise bike to me. So I plan to hit the bike over the next week or so to minimize impact while maximizing some cardio. May get a little boring, but it's all I've got. Any great movie suggestions to keep me occupied while I pedal away?