Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hood to Coast Relay

The skyline of Portland, Oregon with Mount Hoo...Image via Wikipedia

UPDATE: Apparently the spots on the team got filled...but I'll let you know if anyone drops out.

Brent here.

I posted this on my blog, but I thought I'd share it here too, in the hopes that someone would be interested in joining a motley crew (I almost typed crue) for the amazing Hood to Coast Relay in August 2011.

This is just like the Ragnar Relay, only in Oregon. And it's not called the Ragnar Relay. But who cares what the name is!? We get to run from gorgeous Mt. Hood, along the Columbia River gorge to the Pacific Ocean. We pass through Portland and end up just south of Astoria. (GOONIES!)

My team has four spots open, and it costs $110 a person. You run three legs varying in length between 3 and 8 miles. Total mileage: between 12 and 18 miles. Piece of cake. Don't be shy. Let me know if you want to run the RACE OF A LIFETIME! (time...time...time)

Hood to Coast Relay

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A new year a new goal

So... marathoners... I haven't posted here for a long time, but it helped me so much on my way to running a marathon that I thought I would post about my latest physical challenge- trying a triathlon! Yahoo!

A friend of mine and I will be doing the Saratoga Springs Sprint Triathlon on June 5th. We're doing a pretty intense 13 week training schedule but we're really excited about it!

So if you want to join in, go for it! Let's motivate each other like we did for our marathons! Truly I'm more intimidated by a triathlon. I'm not really a swimmer or a biker, so we'll see how it goes!
